Western Bhutan

Western Bhutan Region

The Western Bhutan covers six districts country which includes Paro, Thimphu, Punakha, WangduePhondrang, Haa and Gasa.

Western Bhutan circuit is the most popular Travel region of Bhutan. The major Tourist attraction Places comes under this region. More over if you want to visit BHUTAN it is quite impossible to avoid this western region and take the essence of any other tourist sector of Bhutan. This Travel Circuits connects BHUTAN with the rest of the world through PARO INTERNATIONAL AIR PORT and also connects with India through PHUENTSHOLING and JAYGAON.


This largest and most intriguing city also the Capital of Bhutan; is a well-known place for adventure sports. Crimson wearing monks, people clad in ghos and kiras, cafes, nightclubs, restaurants is a buzzling city with a perfect mix of ages – old tradition and modern culture. Buddha Point (Buddha Dordenma Statue) Great Buddha Dordenma is...
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Western Region The Western Bhutan covers six districts country which includes Paro, Thimphu, Punakha, WangduePhondrang, Haa and Gasa. Western Bhutan circuit is the most popular Travel region of Bhutan. The major Tourist attraction Places comes under this region. More over if you want to visit BHUTAN it is quite impossible to avoid this western region...
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Gasa Gasa Dzongkhag, the northernmost district of the country adjoins the districts of Punakha, Thimphu and Wangdue Phodrang and with Tibet to its north. This starkly beautiful region with elevations ranging from 1500 to 4,500 m experiences extremely long and cold winters and short but beautiful summers. The dominant language of the district is Dzongkha,...
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Punakha Punakha served as the capital of Bhutan until and still it is the winter seat of Je Khenpo (the chief abbot). Blessed with temperate climate and owing to its natural drainage from Pho Chhu (male) and Mo Chhu (female) rivers, the Punakha valley produces abundant crops and fruits. There are splendid views of the...
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Wangdue Phodrang

Wangdue Phodrang A well-deserved tourism hub in Central Bhutan, WangduePhodrang offers discerning tourists an array of natural and cultural delights. As with most other districts the WangduePhodrang district is also dominated by a dzong (monastery + official quarters). Located in the south of Punakha, this district is also famous for its fine bamboo products, slate...
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Gangtey Gangtey (Phobjika Valley) is considered one of the most beautiful valleys Bhutan. This bowl shaped glacial valley stands just by the Black Mountains. Phobjika surrounding valleys and lush greenery makes this place as beautiful as heaven itself. The entire area is filled with low lying dwarf bamboo as you reach Gangte village. With potato...
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Haa Valley Haa is known for being the traditional home for the Royal Queen Grandmother and the famous Dorji family. Nomadic herdsmen and tribal in Haaorganise a famous Haa summer festival that provides a nice opportunity for exploring village life. Surrounded by mountains and vast grasslands, Haa valley is one of the most beautiful valleys...
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