The Last Shangri La

Bhutan has miraculously become a hotspot of nature lovers who visit Bhutan to experience the rawness of the country which is no longer visible in other developed or developing countries. Amazing Bhutan is the only country which emits zero carbon among all other countries who has struggled to keep their quality of air under check.

Below are the six reasons you should plan to visit last Shangri La, Bhutan your next holiday destination to experience this major hotspot for nature lovers around the world.

What makes Bhutan, the last Shangri La?

1) Sustainable Bhutan:

Bhutan is a country of valleys which is beautifully pure and raw. There are so many countries and cities whose demographics are similar to that of Bhutan but unlike the pure country, the rest of the beautiful cities have been largely affected by the commercial explosion. Bhutan has avoided any development that would interfere with the rawness of the country’s pureness. Sustainability has been hugely reflected in all their development strategies.

2) Progress is not always development

The nation’s core proposition is Gross National Happiness, which is clearly evident as you land at the Paro airport. The people here are a lot happier and their behavior so warm which resembles the people from the movies that lived in a Himalayan Shangri La. You will encounter with happy people here and it will last throughout your journey from the airport till the hotel which assures you the genuineness of their behavior which is hard to find in today’s world. Bhutanese people are the perfect residents that would reside in a Shangri La.

3) Fresh and Pure air are still not extinct:

Bhutan’s air is thin, pure as well as fresh. The country acts like a visual balm to our aching soul. The sky is beautifully blue and the country is hugely resting upon its religious beliefs and cultures which make for the foundation and the core of Bhutan. We can see prayer flags surrounding the mountains and they are moving vigorously throughout the day by the gusting winds from the hilly front of the country. A Shangri la is supposed to be pure and it is exactly the kind of impression we get here after you have spent some days in this paradise or taken a trek in this beautiful paradise. It gives Shangri la a visual face in this 21st century.

4) Land of Mysteries:

Just as a Shangri la would be filled with mysteries that have no valid explanations, Bhutan is rich in historical structures that are a magnificent art of architecture but its origin still blurry. Here in Bhutan lies a series of secrets, one being the amazing monastery, The Tigers Nest or Taktsang Monastery. The structure is built on a Cliffside of the upper Paro valley. The history states that The Tiger’s Nest is a prominent Buddhist sacred site or a monastery which was built around 1692. It is said that once a Buddhist monk Guru Padmasambhava rode here from Tibet on back of a Tigress and in this cave he meditated for Three years, three months, three days and three hours in the 8th century.

5) Traditional, Authentic, Pure and Divine:

The secret behind the happy people of the 21st century Shangri la of Bhutan is also the traditions and values which are still followed by the local people. In a world of modernization, you would be amazed to travel in a country where the environment, legacy, and future are of great importance to the country and development here is carried in a cultural way.

6) Bhutan an environmental success:

In a time when the global diversity is at a huge risk, Bhutan’s achievements in conservation are purely splendid. There are constitutions in Bhutan which states that 60 percent of the country must always be forest lands which cannot be touched for any reason. This is the minimum forest cover which they feel is a must to keep their nature pure and their environment clean.

We cannot assure how much is the minimum forest cover it requires for a Country to be a Shangri la but Bhutan surely has a lot of its land which is still untouched. Its reforestation programs are a must and are carried out by the proud citizens of the country throughout the year which cuts down its carbon emission negligible and the only carbon negative country in the world.

Bhutan demonstrates the possibility of preserving a very high biodiversity while achieving a safe amount of sustainable development.

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