Places to visit in Thimphu

This largest and most intriguing city also the Capital of Bhutan; is a well-known place for adventure sports. Crimson wearing monks, people clad in ghos and kiras, cafes, nightclubs, restaurants is a buzzling city with a perfect mix of ages – old tradition and modern culture.

Buddha Point (Buddha Dordenma Statue)

Great Buddha Dordenma is a gigantic Shakyamuni Buddha statue in the mountains of Bhutan celebrating the 60th anniversary of fourth king JigmeSingyeWangchuck. The statue houses over one hundred thousand smaller Buddha statues, each of which, like the Great Buddha Dordenma itself, are made of bronze and gilded in gold.If you are looking for a place from where the entire Thimphu can be captured from various angles of your camera, then Buddha is the perfect place. This massive, golden Buddha sitting atop a gilded meditation hall. But the monument holds an invisible secret: Unbeknownst to many people viewing the statue, they aren’t actually looking at one Buddha; they’re looking at 125,000 of them.

The statue also fulfils two prophecies. The first, foreseen by YogiSonamSangpo, is that a Buddhist statue would be built in the region to “bestow blessings, peace, and happiness to the whole world.” In addition, the statue is said to have been mentioned by Guru Padmasambhava, widely referred to as the “second Buddha,” in the eighth century.

Tashichho Dzong

Tashichhoe Dzong is a Buddhist monastery and fortress on the northern edge of the city of Thimphu in Bhutan, on the western bank of the Wang Chu. The original Thimphudzong (the Do-NgönDzong, or Blue Stone Dzong) was built in 1216 by Lama GyalwaLhanapa (1164-1224), founder of the Lhapa branch of the Drikung Kagyu, at the place where DechenPhodrang Monastery now stands on a ridge above the present Tashichö-dzong. In 1641 ShabdrungNgawangNamgyal took over that Dzong from the Lhapa Kagyu, reconsecrated, and renamed it Tashichö-Dzong.

TashichöDzong has been the seat of Bhutan’s government since 1968. It presently houses the throne room and offices of the king, the cabinet secretariat and the ministries of home affairs and finance. Some other government departments are housed in buildings to the south of the Dzong, and others in new buildings in Thimphu.

National Memorial Chorten

The National Memorial Chorten is a Memorial Stupa of Thimphu which is also known as the ThimphuChorten. It is a stupa located on the Doeboom Lam in the southern-central end of the city.

This stupa was built in the year 1974 to honor the third DrukGyalpo, JigmeDorjiWangchuck. It is one of the quintessential landmarks of the city given its golden bells and spires. Regarded as the most visible religious landmark in Bhutan, hundreds Bhutanese come every day. The chorten here is clad in richly painted annexes with elaborate mandalas, statues and shrines. Early morning is the best time to be here.

Changangkha Lhakhang Temple

Changangkha Lhakhang is a popular 12th century temple perched on a hill top and Oldest Temple in Thimphu. This temple was founded by Phajo Drugom Zhigpo, founder of the Drukpa Lineage in Bhutan and extended by his son Nyima in the 13th century.Preached on a ridge beside Motithang Takin Preseve Changangkha Lhakhang is one of the favoured sightseeing in Thimphu. During the day time, you will see parents visiting temple to get auspicious names for their babies and blessings for the children. The temple houses a statue of Thousand-armed Avalokitesvara as well as very large prayer wheels and unusually large size sacred scriptures.

In the evening, you will find people taking rounds around the temple on a pilgrim path (back kora) that circles the temple. Visitors can visit Changangkha Lhakhang anytime between 6AM to 6PM.

Simply Bhutan Museum

An exclusive place – living studio and museum, wearing Bhutanese Traditional dress, trying Bhutan national game- archery it is one of the best places to see where the young generation of Thimphu is going.

Do not forget to try sip of Ara (traditional alcoholic beverage consumed in Bhutan).

Phelchey Toenkhyim

This Folk Heritage Museum is filled with various exhibits. Household things, domestic tools, traditional rammed mud, timber house and much more dating back to 19th century makes a visit to this place a memorable trip. Some native trees, plants and their saplings too can be seen around.

Weekend Market

This is an extensive weekend market in Thimhuoccupies the west bank of the Wang Chhu, just north of Changlimithang Stadium. Vendors from throughout the region start arriving on Thursday and remain until Sunday night. One of the neatest and most well organized markets. Lots of local produce, which for someone not from this area of the world, is a real treat to see. It is also a great place for mingling with locals and observing day to day life in Thimphu.

Clock Tower Square

Clock Tower Square has a tower with four clock faces located in Thimphu, capital of Bhutan. It is a famously known landmark in Thimphu. There are many shops, hotels and restaurants surrounding the square. The Clock-tower has a typical Bhutanese architectural outlook with rich Bhutanese carvings and paintings. There are traditional hand crafted dragon with golden painting on all the four faces of the tower which symbolizes the county as an independent dragon kingdom. The tower has beautiful paintings and carvings of flowers which add more magnificence to the tower. The shops, restaurants and hotels in the clock tower square have a blend of fine traditional and modern architectural Bhutanese design with multi-coloured wood frontages, small arched windows, and sloping roofs.

Dechen Phodrang Monastery

The DechenPhodrang Monastery is situated high up among the clouds, north of the Thimphu city. In 1971 it became a monastic school and currently it has 450 student monks enrolled in eight-year courses with a staff of 15. The monastery contains a number of important historical Bhutanese artifacts including 12th century paintings monitored by UNESCO and a noted statue of ShabdrungNgawangNamgyal on the upper floor.[1] In the downstairs chapel, there is a central Sakyamuni Buddha

Thimphu Tshechu Festival

ThimphyTshechu is one of the oldest and most popular festivals of Bhutan held in month of October. Celebrated for 3 days, this festival first got introduced Gyalse Tenzin Rabgay in 1867 which later suffered some changes by the third Bhutan king in 1950. Usually celebrated in TendrelThang, in front of Tashichhoedzong this is a festival which is attained by masses of people from all parts of the country. Even the farmers take a break from their farming life and join hands to worship night and day and play rituals to invoke God.

During this festival Cham dancers perform and provide great details about Buddhism and marks the right way towards honest living and blissful life. It is believed that these dance performances increases good luck and removes misfortune. It is also a social gathering for the people of Bhutan where they celebrate with fine clothes, jewellery and good cuisine.

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