
Dzongkha is the national language of Bhutan. The word dzongkha means “the language of the district”; kha is language, and dzong is “district”, literally meaning the language spoken in administrative centers Dzongs. Widely spoken in western region of the country, Dzongkha declared as state language in 1971. Bhutan in general is multi-lingual society with over nineteen dialects spoken throughout the country. Besides Dzongkha, there are three other prominent languages i.e., ‘Tshanglakha also known as Sharchokpa and spoken in eastern Bhutan,’ Lhotshamkha’ also known as Nepalese and spoken in southern region and ‘Bumthangkha’, spoken in central Bhutan.

Due to Bhutan’s proximity with India and excellent relationship between two neighbors resulting in regular travel, Hindi, the Indian language is also widely spoken and understood by most Bhutanese.

English is widely spoken as is medium of instruction in schools and locals at major tourist towns and centers communicate exceedingly well in English language.

Below are the WORDS AND BHUTANESE PHRASES that you should learn:

Hello: Kuzuzangpo la
Thank you: KadrinChey la
Bye: TashiDeleck
My name is Ricky: Ney giming Ricky inn la
What is your name?: Chheygi Ming Gha chi Mo
How much?: Gaa Dam Chi Mo la
Food: Zhay Go
Women Dress: Kir
Men Dress: Gho
Shoes: Lham

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