Home stay and Farm stay

Home stays and farm stay are getting more popular these days in Bhutan which is also providing an opportunity for the owners to earn and support the family with tourism.

Home stays are general with the local houses in Thimphu, Paro and Haa valley which will give you very closer look of the Bhutanese culture and day to day activities they perform for live hood. As we start travelling to Central and Eastern Bhutan which are still untouched with modernity and live on the farms to support their live hood. A farm house (or farm stay) is any type of accommodation on a working farm. Farm stays are generally very interactive as you can too work with family in farms. These farmhouses are located in peaceful picturesque landscapes of Bhutan.

Having Home stay/Farm house stay is another way of experiencing real Bhutan and interacting with the Bhutanese people on your visit to Bhutan. Tourists will be taken good care of and food and drinks will be served by the owner like family members.

These houses are built with wood in the traditional Bhutanese way have a completely different feeling about it. Some houses are more than 100 years old and the same families have lived there for generations.

Traditional Bhutanese houses serve as a home or residential dwelling for the family, a shelter for domestic livestock, a place for weaving and other household activities and also a religious space.

If our guests are interested in Home stay/Farm house stay for true authentic Bhutanese experience, we arrange this stay with a Bhutanese family in a traditional local house. However care has been taken to ensure that cleanliness and hygiene is maintained at all times (decent toilets and shower arrangements have been made).

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