Central Bhutan

Central Bhutan Region

Traveling towards the northern central region in Bhutan leads you to one of the most fascinating parts of this country. Collectively known as Bumthang, it comprises four small valleys – Tang, Ura, Choekhor and Chumey. The mountains, green farms, rivulets and small waterfalls add to the beauty of this province. This region is the religious heartland of the nation and home to some of its oldest Buddhist temples and monasteries.

This Central region of Bhutan is blessed with great natural beauty.


Central Bhutan Region Traveling towards the northern central region in Bhutan leads you to one of the most fascinating parts of this country. Collectively known as Bumthang, it comprises four small valleys – Tang, Ura, Choekhor and Chumey. The mountains, green farms, rivulets and small waterfalls add to the beauty of this province. This region...
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Sarpang (Gelephu)

Sarpang (Gelephu) Sarpang District is one of the 20 dzongkhags (districts) comprising Bhutan. Much of Sarpang District consists of environmentally protected areas. Far western Sarpang District (the gewog of Senghe) contains part of the uninhabited Phibsoo Wildlife Sanctuary along the India border; northern Sarpang District (the gewog of Jigmechhoeling) is part of Jigme Singye Wangchuck...
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Trongsa Trongsa district is situated at the very center of the country of Bhutan which makes it a critical junction of roads leading to Bumthang, Gelephu and Punakha. It is one land which is separated from both east and west Bhutan by high mountains. Surrounded by mountains, it’s a common sight to see clouds hovering...
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