Bird Watching Tour

Bhutan is positioned at the junction of major migration routes of many avian species of the north. Bhutan has been designated as a region of high bio-diversity and is known as the East Himalayan Hotspot.

Bhutan bird watching holiday is a great favorite, combining some of the finest bird watching in the Himalayas with spectacular scenery and the sheer pleasure of travelling through Bhutan, one of the friendliest and most beautiful countries in the world. Traveling across the breadth of this remarkable country, we will pass through lush broad-leaved forests dripping with orchids, blazes of Spring rhododendrons and magnolias, seemingly endless coniferous forests, with arguably the most magnificent mountain scenery in the world as our backdrop.

Our Bird Watching tour includes comfortable camping, often at breathtakingly beautiful sites. Much of our Bhutan bird watching tour is done walking the most productive sections of the only road winding its way across the Kingdom.

Over 670 species of birds have been recorded and many more are yet to be discovered. Around 50 species of the known birds are winter migrants. These include ducks, waders, birds of prey, thrushes, finches and buntings.

Bhutan is home to many species of birds that are in danger of extinction, including the Imperial Heron, which is one of the fifty rarest birds in the world and the rare Black-Necked Crane, which breeds in Tibet and then migrates over the Himalayas to Bhutan during the winter months. The Cranes can be spotted in Phobjikha Valley in Western Bhutan, Bumthang in Central Bhutan and in Bumdeling in Eastern Bhutan. They migrate to these winter roosting sites in the months of September and October and fly back to Tibet between February and March.

The country has more than 16 species of vulnerable birds. They are the Pallas’s Fish Eagle, White bellied Heron, Satyr Tragopan, Gray-bellied Tragopan, Ward’s Trogon, Blyth’s King Fisher, Yellow-rumped Honey Guide, Rufous Throated Wren Babbler, Chestnut-breasted Partridge, Blyth’s Trogon, Wood Snipe, Dark-rumped Swift, Rufous-necked Hornbill, Gray-crowned Prinia and the Beautiful Nuthatch all of which breed in Bhutan.
Bhutan with its diverse and undisturbed flora and fauna is one of ten Global Ecological Hot-Spots and the government and the people of Bhutan strive to protect their rich natural inheritance.

Bird Watching Tour

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